I can’t deny that I entered this class with a bit of a hidden agenda. After 12 years of teaching, 10 of that spent teaching Special Education, I believe I have finally realized a condition known as burnout. Eighty percent of my students are bright, lively and engaging students who want to learn at least minimal amounts. The other 20% don’t seem to share that interest and it wears you down. Add to the equation (I do teach math, had to work it in somewhere), parents who are themselves disengaged or at a loss for dealing with their own problem children and the the path to burnout becomes rather short. (I’ve doubled the average career of Special Education teachers, I take some pride in that.) All of this has been coming on for a couple of years. I kept coming back because I really do love teaching (when I get to do that, and not just discipline, attendance and testing!) .
So, in my usual way, I sat back and thought about what else I enjoy that could still help pay the bills. I am analytical by nature, so this was kind of fun for me. I have spent these recent unsettled years contemplating what my future should bring. I realized that I really enjoy doing things on the computer. I am the teacher that people go to when they can’t figure out how to add a table to something or when their mouse isn’t working. I’ve been helping my husband (I married a computer geek and I highly recommend it.) with software issues for years, everything from installations to virus removal. It’s satisfying and highly logical to track down an error message and make it right. But, I still wanted some of the flexibility that I had as a teacher (i.e. holidays and long breaks). Really what I wanted was something that would allow me to work from home from time-to-time, preferably in my pajamas with my dogs at my feet. I wanted to be able to take a break from frustration and go run the agility course I have made in my back yard with Little Dog or let Ice lick my face until I laugh so hard I forget I was ever frustrated. I wanted something that would let me be more my own boss and freelance web design seemed to fit that bill.
I am sort of growing into the idea of being an entrepreneur. It’s scary and appealing all at the same time. Nothing says “own boss” more than writing your own paycheck. But, who knows, this profession might even lead me back to teaching. Online education is only going to grow over time. So what do I hope to get out becoming a web developer/designer? I guess I hope to gain some professional freedom, new challenges, a new career and maybe a few days that I spend working in my pajamas and playing with the dogs.